Why Request Your Credit Report? Because requesting online credit reports is a great idea. The information in your credit report is used to evaluate your application for credit, employment, insurance and rent. Be sure the information you see on your report is accurate and up to date.
Also, monitoring your credit file is one of the easiest ways to spot identity theft. Look at your credit report at least once a year to correct any errors and to detect unauthorized activity. Immediately contact the credit reporting agency if any information in your credit report is inaccurate. Or if you see any accounts that you don’t recognize.
If you suspect identity theft when reviewing your credit file, place a fraud alert on your credit report. Close any compromised accounts, file a complaint with the FTC and file a police report.
Online Credit Reports
What Exactly Is In Your Credit Report? – Your name, birth date, address and employer.
Consumer Statement – A brief statement you may have asked to be placed on your credit report. You would use this to indicate a fraud alert or an explanation for a late payments that occurred during a period of time.
Accounts Histories – Detailed information about real estate, installment, revolving credit or collection accounts. Each record includes the date the account was opened, high balance, terms and your seven year payment history.
Public Records – The area of your credit report that includes records of bankruptcy, tax liens or judgment filings on you.
Inquiries – Each credit report has a list of companies who have accessed your credit history if you filled out any applications within the last two years.
Creditor Contacts – The final section of all online credit reports contain mailing addresses and phone numbers of your creditors. This information is invaluable if you need to contact a creditor.
Why not view your online credit report right now?